
torstai 30. elokuuta 2012

Locked Outside

Yesterday was "pretty interesting" to say the least! In the evening, we went out for a walk, and forgot the keys inside the house! Our neighbors tried to help us out by giving us the spare keys used by the building association, but since our locks had been changed by the previous owner, the spare keys were totally useless...

Luckily, we did have one cellular phone with us, and were able to call a locksmith. He arrived after four hours of desperate waiting and opened the door for us. We did take an almost two-hour walk while waiting, so we didn't just sit put for four hours... But I can tell you it was still quite a long time to do nothing :) 

Anyway, I was sooo tired after this ordeal (both mentally and physically) that I went to bed straight away and slept like a baby till the alarm clock went off in the morning. This was "my kinda day", how was yours? ;D

While waiting, I did have plenty of time to take a few shots of the surrounding rowan berries...

2 kommenttia:

Jasmiina kirjoitti...

hah, mä kyllä itkisin jos mä jäisin neljäksi tunniksi ulos odottelemaan ovenavaajaa :D huh!

New England Rose kirjoitti...

Heh, voin kertoa, että itketti vielä enemmän kun kuulimme lukkosepän palvelusten hinnan. 250 egeä kymmenen minuutin hommasta, kyllä on katteet niillä pojilla kohdillaan...